CYMS delivers high-resolution Tropical Cyclone observations from SAR systems. Information on products description and format, not to mention scientific references, are provided.
CYMS in a nutshell
High-level service presentation for the general public & decision-makers
- see CYMS brochure
- CYMS video
- CYMS overview diaporama (zipped file)
- Replay
- See the questions asked during the webinar and their answers
- And the pdf of the whole presentation
Scientific articles
- Shimada, U., Hayashi, M., & Mouche, A. (2024). A Comparison between SAR Wind Speeds and Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Best Track Estimates. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II, 102.
- An article presenting the usefulness of CYMS data for meteorological forecasters:
Howell, B., Egan, S., & Fine, C. (2022). Application of Microwave Space-Based Environmental Monitoring (SBEM) Data for Operational Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation at the Joint Typhoon Warning Center, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(10), E2315-E2322. - An article presenting the topic:
Jackson, C. R., T. W. Ruff, J. A. Knaff, A. Mouche, and C. R. Sampson (2021), Chasing cyclones from space, Eos, 102, - Bousquet, Olivier, Guilhem Barruol, Emmanuel Cordier, Christelle Barthe, Soline Bielli, Radiance Calmer, Elisa Rindraharisaona, Gregory Roberts, Pierre Tulet, Vincent Amelie, Frauke Fleischer-Dogley, Alberto Mavume, Jonas Zucule, Lova Zakariasy, Bruno Razafindradina, François Bonnardot, Manvendra Singh, Edouard Lees, Jonathan Durand, Dominique Mekies, Marine Claeys, Joris Pianezze, Callum Thompson, Chia-Lun Tsai, Romain Husson, Alexis Mouche, Stephane Ciccione, Julien Cattiaux, Fabrice Chauvin, and Nicolas Marquestaut. 2021. “Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Inhabited Areas of the SWIO Basin at Present and Future Horizons. Part 1: Overview and Observing Component of the Research Project RENOVRISK-CYCLONE” Atmosphere 12, no. 5: 544.
- Barthe, Christelle, Olivier Bousquet, Soline Bielli, Pierre Tulet, Joris Pianezze, Marine Claeys, Chia-Lun Tsai, Callum Thompson, François Bonnardot, Fabrice Chauvin, Julien Cattiaux, Marie-Noëlle Bouin, Vincent Amelie, Guilhem Barruol, Radiance Calmer, Stéphane Ciccione, Emmanuel Cordier, Quoc-Phi Duong, Jonathan Durand, Frauke Fleischer-Dogley, Romain Husson, Edouard Lees, Sylvie Malardel, Nicolas Marquestaut, Alberto Mavume, Dominique Mékiès, Alexis Mouche, Navalona M. Ravoson, Bruno Razafindradina, Elisa Rindraharisaona, Gregory Roberts, Manvendra Singh, Lova Zakariasy, and Jonas Zucule. 2021. “Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Inhabited Areas of the SWIO Basin at Present and Future Horizons. Part 2: Modeling Component of the Research Program RENOVRISK-CYCLONE” Atmosphere 12, no. 6: 689.
- Duong, Quoc-Phi, Sébastien Langlade, Christophe Payan, Romain Husson, Alexis Mouche, and Sylvie Malardel (2021). C-Band SAR Winds for Tropical Cyclone Monitoring and Forecast in the South-West Indian Ocean. Atmosphere 12, no. 5 (May 2021): 576.
- Combot Clement, Mouche Alexis, Knaff John, Zhao Yuan, Zhao Yuan, Vinour Leo, Quilfen Yves, Chapron Bertrand (2020). Extensive high-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data analysis of Tropical Cyclones: comparisons with SFMR flights and Best-Track . Monthly Weather Review , 148(11), 4545–4563 .
- Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Knaff John, Zhao Yuan, Zhang Biao, Combot Clement (2019). Copolarized and Cross‐Polarized SAR Measurements for High‐Resolution Description of Major Hurricane Wind Structures: Application to Irma Category 5 Hurricane. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 124(6), 3905-3922. - Zhao Yuan, Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Reul Nicolas (2018). Direct Comparison Between Active C-Band Radar and Passive L-Band Radiometer Measurements: Extreme Event Cases. IEEE Geoscience And Remote Sensing Letters, 15(6), 897-901. - Mouche Alexis, Chapron Bertrand, Zhang Biao, Husson Romain (2017). Combined Co- and Cross-Polarized SAR Measurements Under Extreme Wind Conditions. IEEE Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing, 55(12), 6746-6755.
Technical Documentation
- EODA web GIS portal to access NRT data user guide (updated 2020/09/09)
- Product User Manual (updated 2022/09/01)
Project documentation
- Final Report – CLS-ENV-RP-23-0215 – v1.0 – 11/04/2023
- All project deliverables